Jim's Machines and Accessories

The SwingGrinder M was developed expressly for the removal of slag from plasma and flame cut parts 4 to 5 times quicker than using an angle grinder or other manual methods. The design was based on the Loewer original SwingGrinder, extremely popular deburring and edge rounding machine for laser and punched sheetmetal parts. Parts are placed on the table and the operator passes the counterbalanced arm with a double ended spindle holding the abrasive tools across the top of the parts to remove the slag and by rotating the spindle 180 degrees all edges can be rounded. The first process r...
NSW - Delivers Nationally

SAY GOOD BY TO BEND LINES, DIE MARKS in PRESS BRAKE FOLDING. Perfect for preventing die marks on prepainted materials, stainless steel and harder aluminum. Good to use with zinc coated materials especially when not being painted. Developed and made in Japan, Kizu-Non is a heat and abrasion resistant material that prevents bend lines and marking occurring caused by the shoulders of the die during bending. This material is very tough, and outlasts the traditional urethane film by 100 s of bends. Pricing is very efficient due to longevity and performance. The material comes in 5mtr and ...
NSW - Delivers Nationally