Jim's Machines and Accessories

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SAY GOOD BY TO BEND LINES, DIE MARKS in PRESS BRAKE FOLDING. Perfect for preventing die marks on prepainted materials, stainless steel and harder aluminum. Good to use with zinc coated materials especially when not being painted. Developed and made in Japan, Kizu-Non is a heat and abrasion resistant material that prevents bend lines and marking occurring caused by the shoulders of the die during bending. This material is very tough, and outlasts the traditional urethane film by 100 s of bends. Pricing is very efficient due to longevity and performance. The material comes in 5mtr and ...

NSW - Delivers Nationally

Quoted to Customer Spec

Unique design suitable for virtually all applications. Two standard table sizes are available starting from 800mm x 1000mm and 1000mm x 1500mm. Models with Horizontal Gun only or in combination with a Vertical Gun, just about any product can be processed on our machines. Unique Easy Setting touch screen control means you welding in seconds with quality results. Weld quality is exceptional and no distortion due to table support, while little surface finishing of the weld is required as the table is the lower electrode. Add to that the best electrode cooling system, means life of consu...

NSW - Delivers Nationally

Showing 49-50 of 50 items.