Jim's Machines and Accessories
New Corner Weld & Radius Linishing Machine
Euro Fintec have developed the compact Model 131 to create consistant finishing ....
New TCE pitch controlled Tapping Machines
TCE range of pitch controlled tapping machine are now available in Australia. De....
High Accuracy Measuring larger objects is always difficult, so Toei developed th....
Unique bottom table electrode design suitable for virtually all applications. Me....
New Thomas Capacitor discharge stud welding equipment
This new line of stud welding equipment meets the highest requirements due to op....
New Arc studwelding from THOMAS WELDING
This line of stud welding equipment is a unique, microprocessor-controlled stud ....
New Protect your Plasma Machine with DRY AIR
LOW COST. Don t let moisture in your compressed air affect the quality of your c....
New Protect your CNC Machine with WELLAIR
Patented WELLAIR air and moisture separator, is a low cost 100 reliable way to k....
New Protect your CNC Machine with WELLAIR
Patented WELLAIR air and moisture separator, is a low cost 100 reliable way to k....
New Compressed Air Moisture Remover
Why do the suppliers of refrigerated dryers also sell you line filters that requ....
New Replacement Monitors for CNC Controls
We now supply replacement TFT screens to replace your dead or dimming CRT monito....
New Replacement Monitors for CNC Controls
We now supply replacement TFT screens to replace your dead CRT monitors on your ....